• hi everyone,
    Wordpress Newb here.
    I was wondering why my HTML code for some banners is showing up as text on one of my pages instead of showing the banner that it is supposed to?
    I have used HTML in my sidebars and it worked fine. I’m guessing that I need a plug in or widget to make that work. IS that right? Which one is best?

    here is the page that I am having issues with
    I’m using latest wordpress, and latest thesis

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  • html should work fine without a plugin…

    (entered from the html editor, and don’t switch from html back to visual)

    unless a mistake was made entering it

    Thread Starter natgreenonline


    I copied and pasted each banner directly from the source, so I can’t see how I could have screwed up all 4 banners…one maybe.
    Do I have to enable/disable something?
    Like I said, it works in my sidebars,but not on the page.Weird.

    well, if you view your source code….you can see what’s happening and why your html isn’t being parsed…

    all the symbols are being converted liek thjis:

    <p>&l t; a href=& # 8221;https://www.natgreenonline.com/?t=Blog& # 8221; target= & #8221;_blank& #8221;

    (the spaces aren’t in your source…I added em to quit having this forum editor stop converting to symbols)

    Thread Starter natgreenonline


    the problem is, I don’t understand code! haha
    So what can I do to fix it then?

    In the future, as I want to add a few more links, what do I have to do?
    Why can’t I copy and paste the code like I did in the sidebars?

    Usually, you can!

    That’s why I’m poking around trying to see what the problem is…..


    look here, especially lines 72-80. You can see how it’s all hosed up.

    Did you type the page, or copy paste from somewhere? I’m wondering if that gibberesh was teh result of pasting the links? Usually you can copy and paste jsut fine….sometimes copying from certain sources just doesn’t work right

    Thread Starter natgreenonline


    cool.Thanks for looking out!

    I guess just try to type in a simple link and see if it works?

    <a href="https://link.com">Test</a>

    see if that parses correctly…..or even add an image if possible….
    <a href="https://link.com"><img src="https://site.com/image.png"></a>

    but type it, rather than cut/paste….then we can at least narrow down where the issue is

    Thread Starter natgreenonline


    I fugured it out (thanks to you). I must have been adding the banner links from the visual mode (I was editing the page off of the blog itself, and not the admin pages,so I guess it was being entered differently.)
    Good to know there is a right place and a wrong place to enter it.
    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter natgreenonline


    now if I could only figure out why the admin page was sooo slow to load sometimes. I have the current everything, and deleted almost all of my plug ins.I got google gears as well, and that didn’t help much.

    my admin area is real slow….. I just gave up on worrying since I’m the only one using it.

    I’ve got w3 caching installed, and it keeps my front end running pretty good

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