• ragno


    Hi, I have a problem with my blog (wich scores 30.000 unique users a day), since some days looks like that wp-cron is acting oddly. It uses a lot of CPU and i see it being hanged as process.

    Besides the problem wich causes that, i really would like to disable wp-cron to use my internal linux crontab (since i can do it and i like it more), i found an interesting howto here:


    which tells to insert in wp-config.php this command:

    define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);

    I’ve done that (at the end of the file) but seems it’s not working since i keep seeing wp-cron spawning in my process list.

    I’m using wordpress 2.8.4 and I can’t upgrade since the blog is not mine (i just manage it) and the owner is not thinking about it.

    Someone know a way to disable wp-cron in a safe way then?


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  • I’d be also happy to know also about that, do you have some insights about this situation?


    Me too!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Adding that define will work, but not at the *end* of the wp-config file. Add it to the beginning, with all the other defines.

    If you want to make the wp-cron run on a real cron schedule system, then make a copy of wp-cron.php with a new name, edit it, and change this code:

    if ( !empty($_POST) || defined('DOING_AJAX') || defined('DOING_CRON') )

    To this:

    if ( defined('DOING_AJAX') || defined('DOING_CRON') )

    Then you can call your new cron job from a normal cron interface on some form of timed basis.

    Note, doing this will likely *increase* the load on your server. WP-Cron is incredibly lightweight, much more so than a normal cron system. If you have problems with wp-cron, then you might try using the ALTERNATE_WP_CRON define (just define it to true in wp-config).

    Moderator t-p


    I am a layperson, and after reading this thread I am totally confused.

    As I undersatnd (my understanding may be wrong) Why the cron has to be running all the time? What’s the purpose? Why need to have it be running itself? I just don’t get all this.

    Otto, can you please shed somelight for a non-proggramer like me.


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