• I use plugins HungryFEED and OSM in WordPress pages with the following syntax:

    [osm_map lat=”48.863″ long=”2.439″ zoom=”15″ width=”800″ height=”800″ marker_file_list=”https://localhost/point.txt” type=”AllOsm”] for OSM

    [hungryfeed url=”https://askapena.org/?q=eu/rss.xml” filter=”bayonne” feed_fields=”” max_items=”1″ date_format=”d-m-Y”truncate_description=”300″ template=”1″] for HungryFEED

    This works well

    Now I wish to call (by another method) in one of my files that I created in a personal directory under wp-content/plugins/perso for example in my wordpress page I have this:

    $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../fr/wp-content/plugins/perso/" . "mapage.php";

    Here are the contents of mypage.php:

    echo "test”;
    comment appler mes plugins  HungryFEED et OSM

    When I click on the page of my site “test” is displayed correctly.

    Now what I can not do is find the php function to call my plugins!

    Can you help me?

    thank you

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