Made the changes but the new facebook icon does not appear. Will check all again.
You have said use this to replace the origina; facebook section in the svg-icons.svg file;
<symbol id=”icon-facebook” viewBox=”0 0 19 32″>
<path class=”path1″ d=”m 334.15144,804.98346 c -5.3195,-2.57178 -5.48595,-4.88918 -5.12286,-71.32086 l 0.34639,-63.37537 2.84722,-2.84643 2.84722,-2.84643 64.93056,0 64.93055,0 2.84722,2.84643 2.84723,2.84643 0.34639,63.37537 c 0.23944,43.80794 -0.0761,64.39536 -1.02199,66.67892 -0.7526,1.81695 -2.76307,3.93901 -4.4677,4.7157 -4.17226,1.90101 -127.38871,1.8318 -131.33023,-0.0738 z m 69.59853,-49.76409 0,-18.75 5.55123,0 c 3.05317,0 5.83193,-0.45419 6.17502,-1.00931 0.34308,-0.55513 1.01125,-3.93013 1.48481,-7.5 l 0.86102,-6.49069 -7.03604,0 -7.03604,0 0,-5.375 c 0,-6.75434 1.62066,-8.375 8.375,-8.375 l 5.375,0 0,-6.875 0,-6.875 -8.18707,0 c -14.44615,0 -19.31293,4.86677 -19.31293,19.31292 l 0,8.18708 -5,0 -5,0 0,7.5 0,7.5 5,0 5,0 0,18.75 0,18.75 6.875,0 6.875,0 0,-18.75 z” style=”fill:#000000″></path>
From the Inkscape conversion you take the section starting d= but where does this part come from? <symbol id=”icon-facebook” viewBox=”0 0 19 32″><path class=”path1″
d=”m 334.15144,804.98346 c -5.3195,-2.57178 -5.48595,-4.88918 -5.12286,-71.32086 l 0.34639,-63.37537 2.84722,-2.84643 2.84722,-2.84643 64.93056,0 64.93055,0 2.84722,2.84643 2.84723,2.84643 0.34639,63.37537 c 0.23944,43.80794 -0.0761,64.39536 -1.02199,66.67892 -0.7526,1.81695 -2.76307,3.93901 -4.4677,4.7157 -4.17226,1.90101 -127.38871,1.8318 -131.33023,-0.0738 z m 69.59853,-49.76409 0,-18.75 5.55123,0 c 3.05317,0 5.83193,-0.45419 6.17502,-1.00931 0.34308,-0.55513 1.01125,-3.93013 1.48481,-7.5 l 0.86102,-6.49069 -7.03604,0 -7.03604,0 0,-5.375 c 0,-6.75434 1.62066,-8.375 8.375,-8.375 l 5.375,0 0,-6.875 0,-6.875 -8.18707,0 c -14.44615,0 -19.31293,4.86677 -19.31293,19.31292 l 0,8.18708 -5,0 -5,0 0,7.5 0,7.5 5,0 5,0 0,18.75 0,18.75 6.875,0 6.875,0 0,-18.75 z”
style=”fill:#000000″ />