• I’ve spent hours reading EVERYTHING I could find to use BackWPup to the Google storage and . . . I am shocked there is no instructions on how to do this. I’ve had to read / learn / try and fail at setting up Google API accounts / services / codes / passwords / secrets / etc to no avail. I am so close to just presuming BackWPup is not worth the time.

    Is there ANYWHERE online that actually explains how to set up BackWPup using Google storage? If someone programmed this feature, they should be able to explain how to fill in the fields. Why is there NO HELP or FAQ to cover such simple input requirements?

    I presume I do not need to create a JWT header, claimset, and signauture . . . this should be part of this BackWPup program already (as suggested on the many Google Developer pages I read to try and figure this out).

    Should I just go with a different backup plugin?

    Any help is appreciated.


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  • Go to https://code.google.com/apis/console under ‘Services’ and activate ‘Google Cloud Storage’.

    Than under ‘Google Cloud Storage’ you must activate the ‘Interoperable Access’ ther generate Keys.

    The Keys must fild in the Fields of BackWPup.

    i hope that helps you. In future it will give a Documentation.

    Does BackWPup only work with Google Cloud Storage or can I use the Google Drive storage I have?

    I already have paid for extra google drive/gmail storage and would like to use that over signing up and paying for Google Could storage.

    Please advise.

    Thread Starter wadephilip



    Thanks for the instructions and the clarification that Google Storage for the plugin means “Google Cloud Storage” (only free until June 2013 and only for 1 project now – according to their website) and not the Google Drive storage that is now provided free automatically with signing up for gmail/youtube/etc. I realize the plugin is free so I don’t wish to be rude or demanding. I think having someone type a quick instruction on how to fill out the plugin sections would help a lot (and eliminate similar questions in the forum). Anyway, thanks for the response.

    Google Drive support will come in future, but first we will bring out a big update.

    This is still not clear.

    Once you enable Interoperable Access, where do you get the keys from? Do you click on API Access and generate a Service Pair of Keys?

    Also, you key title is then mislabeled in the admin tool, because it says, “Access Key ID” and in my Google Storage account, there is no such term.

    And, you don’t explain that the secret key is downloaded to your desktop, but I’m not sure which part of the secret key I should be using, as it is appended with “-privatekey.p12” and I’m not sure if I take the whole key or leave that piece off the key that was downloaded.

    Yes, the instructions are not clear. I will write a tutorial on my blog asap once they are more clear.

    For Google Storage you need to Ativate “Interoperable Access” in the Google API Console and use that keys

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