Ok, I did. I wish I could attach a screen shot & show you what I see; first I see a nice red box that contains this dire warning : “You should never need to edit ProPhoto theme files using this page. We do not support questions or problems that arise from hand-editing theme files. More info on why you shouldn’t edit these files and how to accomplish what you want without editing them can be found here.” Below that is this (not sure how this will copy/paste but here goes):/*
THEME URI: https://www.prophotoblogs.com/
DESCRIPTION: A super-theme for professional photographers. Huge pictures, slideshow header, Slideshow & lightbox post galleries, inline comments, professional bio area, completely customizable.
AUTHOR: ProPhoto Blogs
AUTHOR URI: https://www.prophotoblogs.com/
TAGS: single column, two-column, slideshows, customizable, inline comments
All styles for the theme are dynamically generated and
written to a static .css file in wp-content/uploads/p4/static/
Any CSS hand-edits should be added to the “Override Styles” section of “P4 Options > Settings > Advanced”
/* do not edit this file, it is generated by the theme, any edits will be lost */