• I have several pages and i can’t understand how to write post on them. Every my new post goes to main-one, and i don’t know how to do it right. Please help me.

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  • I have sort of the same problem.

    I’m running my site on a 2.1.2 edition and I want that new users who registrate on my blog are able to blog, but only in one section.
    So thawt I can make a new link with ‘users-posts’.
    Is this possible or do I need a plug-in?

    Thread Starter deathfuck


    can some1 help us ? =)

    uhm … do some theme-pimping so that the front page only displays a certain category and the other categories are for different posts/people/contributers etc.

    Also: you can’t post “posts” on “Pages” … it all depends on what your theme is like, so how about you provide a link?


    It’s a dutch site.

    I want to add the link ‘Usertest’

    Can you help eme?

    and “usertest” will be a category?
    Right now you’re using categories to order your reviews geographically … do you wish to add a new category called “usertest”?
    That might not be so hard, since you can use categories interchangeably, so it can be in usertest AND utrecht, for example.

    Simple: open your header.php and find the bit where it says “wp_list_pages”.
    I’m sure there is a < ul > < li > home </ li> just before that. So, you add another item like that, only make it link to ?cat=X, where X is the ID of your usertest category.

    Then open index.php.
    You’ll find the loop pretty far at the top, something with “if havepost while havepost : thepost etc.
    So, before that, add

    <?php query_posts('cat=-X');??>

    where X is the ID of your usertest category.
    This will exclude the usertest category from your home page.

    Because i don’t really understand what you are saying, here’s the PHP. Of the header.php, where the wp_list_pages is.

    I manually need to make a new page?

    <li class=”<?php if (is_home()) { ?>current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>”>
    <?php _e($freshy_options[‘first_menu_label’],TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?>

    <?php freshy_wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=’); ?>

    <li class=”last_menu”>

    There are some things missing.
    Look where the < /li> tag is closing the home menu item.
    After that, insert the <l i>< a>usertests</ a></l i> thing for the new menu item.

    No need for a new page.

    The other bit

    <?php query_posts('cat=-X'); ?>

    goes in the index.php

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