How to write in a custom wp_posts cell when I publish a post… ??
Hello everybody.
I’m new here. I’m using wordpress for the web version of an underground cultural newspaper in Montreal.
I really did’nt find what i’m looking for in the documentation and by searching this forum.
Ok… In our blog, I extracted some old articles (182 to be precise…) from a “private” CMS. Everything is perfect, i was able to rebuild the database in a wordpress fashion and import these posts in the wp_posts field of WordPress. Kewl. With some little work on the post2cat table, everyhing goes well, I have access to all the posts via WordPress.
BUT… In this newspaper we had articles about new music albums and we used some fields for informations like : “artist”, “label”, “album title”, “website”.
So I added theses fields to the WP_POSTS table and I was able to import theses entry from the old database.
I’m able to add a FIELDSET in the EDIT-FORM-ADVANCED.PHP. For the old posts the information is already written in the database, so i can see it in the new Fieldset when I edit the post.
BUT I am unable to write these information for the new posts. I fill the FIELDSET but when i publish the post, nothing is written in the database…
So what is my next step ? How can I write to a new field in WP_POSTS when i clck “publish”??
I aleready know the custom fields trick and i know how to use it. But i really need to do it in WP_POSTS because I dont want to convert all the old posts informations in metadata.
My english is not so good so i hope i’m clear enough! Anybody can help ?
Many Thanks!
By the way, thanks to everybody for the great forum and help. I’m a total moron in PHP and i was able to manage the construction of my site only by searching and reading! Really kewl. You can have a look on the blog, but it’s only in french!
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