• Hi,
    i use the digg digg plugin on my blog,it give me 16 w3c validation error’s.
    kindly help me out how to remove these error’s.
    error example

    Line 652, Column 168: there is no attribute "data-url"
    …class="twitter-share-button" data-url="https://blog.mysite.com/" data-cou…

    second error

    Error Line 652, Column 211: there is no attribute "data-count"
    …://blog.mysite.com/" data-count="vertical" data-text="Email…

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  • Same issue here, but only 8 errors and 3 warnings. Two of the warnings are easy to fix by editing dd-helper, but this work will be undone with the next update. Those two easy ones are the use of /../ within the generated URL for including the CSS stylesheet and the js plugin used by Digg Digg. Replacing the /../ phrase with the actual path will remove those 2 warnings. But there are still 8 actual errors thrown. This is with validating against HTML5 doctype. If you use XHTHML transitional, you’ll see vastly more errors.

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