• Resolved newbie63


    Site Health checkup says I need to “use persistent object cache.” I have WP-Optimize plugin activated. Is that the same thing? Do I need to do something within WP-Optimize to make it actually cache my website? If so, how do I find out how to run it?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by newbie63.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    @newbie63 WP-Optimize provides page caching meaning that when a user requests a page, the generated HTML response is cached. When another user requests the same page, the cached HTML response is served instead of newly generating an HTML response. You can go to Dashboard => WP-Optimize => Cache and turn on caching.

    What site health checkup says is to use an object cache. In simple terms, Object cache caches the result of database queries. When the same query needs to be done again, it serves result from cache rather than fresh database query. This is something your hosting provider can provide. Based on the type of object cache (Redis, Memcached) they provide you need to use respective plugin

    Thread Starter newbie63


    Thanks. I went to WP-Optimizer and it has cache enabled. Plus an automatic optimization monthly. I like things I don’t have to remember to do! However, it pointed out that I also have WP Super Cache plugin and warned that two cache activities might lead to “unexpected results.” So I went to Super Cache settings and there is a big box stating “Re-write rules must be updated.” As best I can make out, this affects how things are cached for mobile device users. I downloaded both of these plugins along with Jetpack at someone’s suggestion, but since deleted Jetpack as it ate up memory and I never used it anyway.

    So: do I attempt SuperCache solutions (one of which seems simple enough although the others, with coding, I’m very reluctant to get into) or delete the plugin as unnecessary and stick with Optimizer?

    Plugin Contributor Venkat Raj


    @newbie63 Both plugins provide page caching feature. So, if you enable both plugins it will provide unexpected results In addition to page caching, WP-Optimize also offer database optimization, image optimization and other feature. Choose whatever works best for you.

    Thread Starter newbie63


    I deleted Super Cache, as Optimize seemed to do more stuff. And it has cache enabled. I cannot get my Host to seem to understand about “Persistent object cache.” Now, the Site Health Check up states that my site supports APCu, which is neither of the ones you mentioned. I’m inclined to forget it. BUT now the Site Health Checkup says there is no page cache. (See below for exactly what it says) What the heck is going on?

    Page cache is not detected but the server response time is OKPerformance

    Page cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits.

    Page cache is detected by looking for an active page cache plugin as well as making three requests to the homepage and looking for one or more of the following HTTP client caching response headers:cache-controlexpiresagelast-modifiedetagx-cache-enabledx-cache-disabledx-srcache-store-statusx-srcache-fetch-status.

    •  Median server response time was 249 milliseconds. This is less than the recommended 600 milliseconds threshold.
    •  No client caching response headers were detected.
    •  A page cache plugin was not detected.
    Thread Starter newbie63


    This has been marked as “Resolved” but it isn’t. Apparently, no one knows how to deal with this. I got no resolution of the question posted above. And I included a reference to it in a later issue I had with Site Health checkup interfering with scheduled posts and got the same answer: contact Host. So I’ll yell at Hostgator!

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