• Hi,

    updated to V3.0 i am lost…
    There is no description how to use it. The linked video is very old.

    I absolutely have no clue how to use it…
    Export and Import is also lost?

    A Screenshot for how to add to page would be very helpful.

    Maybe I will have to find the page at conditions?
    If so, at least an alphabetic order should be available. If you have hundred pages, you will search and search…

    Thanks for any idea, Chris


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  • u can still find the shortcode by using the code inspector, (right click on the title – > code inspector or something similar )

    you’ll see something like:
    <li id=”smk_sidebar_3x5j” class=”control-section accordion-section”>

    you can use the id in your shortcode

    I don’t see the ID when I use a code inspector. All I see is:

    <li id="__id__" class="control-section accordion-section sidebar-template">
    					<h3 class="accordion-section-title hndle">

    How did you get the ID to display?

    Update: In the dashboard for the SMK Sidebar Generator Plugin I found a bunch of long IDs that didn’t look like the old and shorter “smk_sidebar_4j6k” but a 12 character random number and letter combo without “smk_sidebar” so I decided to try that and it worked out!

    Look for long strings starting with <li id=" and you should be good.

    I agree with Chrisat, I am completely lost :S
    I used to fill in the sidebar id’s on the page it self where i want to use it. I have no idea where i can find the ID’s also dont know how to use this plugin now.

    This is what i used to see and add to a page.
    [smk_sidebar id=”smk_sidebar_31q9b”]

    Please update the plugin and bring the ID’s back!

    Thanks makeronie,

    I used Firefox firebug to inspect the page with all sidebars there i found the number.

    [smk_sidebar id=”si422_141qna”]

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