How to use with pods as a template
I can get Elementor to work for 1 custom Pod post, which looks great.
However I have many custom posts. Is it possible to use an Elementor template for all my posts in this Pod?
Thanks for helping me out!
I found a workaround that works! Plugin AE Global Templates makes it possible to save a Global Template and use it as a shortcode.
* Make a Global Template in AE Global Templates
* Edit this page using Elementor
* Add Pods Single Item
* In the Pods Single Item choose your pod and “Adjusted template”
* Put template codes (that used to be in Pods Templates) in the bottom field
* In tab Advanced put your custom CSS
* Save the AE Global Template and retrieve the Shortcode for it
* Open Pod and choose Autotemplate options
* Insert Global Template shortcodeEt voila, all done. Happy camper here ??
Resolved ??
@monicharm this is Jim from the Pods Framework. Where are you putting the Global Template Shortcode in Auto Templates?
I wasn’t clear; sorry Jim!
I made a Pod Template with just the AE Global Templates shortcode in it.
In the Autotemplate options choose this template for single item view.It works like a charm! You are welcome to share on the Pods forum or website ??
So the whole process would be:
* Make a Global Template in AE Global Templates
* Edit this page using Elementor
* Add Pods Single Item
* In the Pods Single Item choose your pod and “Adjusted template”
* Put template codes (that used to be in Pods Templates) in the bottom field
* In tab Advanced put your custom CSS
* Save the AE Global Template and retrieve the Shortcode for it
* Create a Pod template and put the AE Global Templates shortcode in it
* In Pods Autotemplate options choose this Pod template for Single View-
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
Thanks for that clarification @monicharm. I’ve never used Elementor or AE Global Templates, so will need to check this out, but if this is the workaround that worked for you, then I’m guessing it will work for others. Thanks!
Hey, @monicacharm! I′m very interested in your workaround. If you could please help me further understand what you did there, it′d be much appreciated. I followed through your tip but I don′t see how that′s any different than just using the standard Pods Template. By using “Single Pods Item”, Elementor does not touch anything coming from the custom post type (fields layout, appearance, etc). It is loaded on the page as a “WordPress content block” where you can only use elementor to style things around it, rather than what′s actually IN it. So, in other words, it seems to me that this workaround only adddresses the overall page layout/style where the CPT would appear, but NOT the actual content from the CPT. Did I get this right?
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
@diogowarner Single Pods Item widget has a ‘checkbox’ to use the ‘current pages’ post ID to pass through. That would allow the template to run against the current record.
It is indeed more of a styling thing @diogowagner; I was just wondering if it was even possible because I really like to use Elementor for my pages.
At first I added only one Single Post Widget with my whole post template in it.
I did want to have more flexibility, so now I added a Single Pods Widget for every field I want to show. This way it is super easy to move stuff around on the page without having to worry the code.Considering I have combined 8 databases all with their own template, this makes life a lot easier for me. To make it even easier I blocked out the Pods Single Item title in the frontend while it is still visible in the backend so that gives me freedom to add a custom title in the code section in the backend.
@jimtrue, I will add this step in the post above, thanks for mentioning.
So the whole process would be:
* Make a Global Template in AE Global Templates
* Edit this page using Elementor
* Add Pods Single Item
* In the Pods Single Item choose your pod and “Adjusted template”
* Check the “Use current post (single) field
* Put template codes (that used to be in Pods Templates) in the bottom field
* In tab Advanced put your custom CSS
* Save the AE Global Template and retrieve the Shortcode for it
* Create a Pod template and put the AE Global Templates shortcode in it
* In Pods Autotemplate options choose this Pod template for Single ViewI have easy way to combine elementor and pods.
-Go to wp-content\plugins\pods\components\Templates\Templates.php
-Change: ‘public’ => false, to ‘public’ => true,
public function __construct () {
$args = array(
‘label’ => ‘Pod Templates’,
‘labels’ => array( ‘singular_name’ => ‘Pod Template’ ),
‘public’ => false,
‘can_export’ => false,
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘show_in_menu’ => false,
‘query_var’ => false,
‘rewrite’ => false,
‘has_archive’ => false,
‘hierarchical’ => false,
‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘author’, ‘revisions’ ),
‘menu_icon’ => ‘dashicons-pods’
and save.-Then go to Elementor settings page and check “Pods Template” and save
-Now you can edit Pods templates with elementorI have easy way to combine elementor and pods.
-Go to wp-content\plugins\pods\components\Templates\Templates.php
-Change: ‘public’ => false, to ‘public’ => true,
public function __construct () {
$args = array(
‘label’ => ‘Pod Templates’,
‘labels’ => array( ‘singular_name’ => ‘Pod Template’ ),
‘public’ => false,
‘can_export’ => false,
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘show_in_menu’ => false,
‘query_var’ => false,
‘rewrite’ => false,
‘has_archive’ => false,
‘hierarchical’ => false,
‘supports’ => array( ‘title’, ‘author’, ‘revisions’ ),
‘menu_icon’ => ‘dashicons-pods’
and save.-Then go to Elementor settings page and check “Pods Template” and save
-Now you can edit Pods templates with elementorThank you all for sharing your experiences here ?? Do you have any live links where you’ve got Elementor and Pods integrated?
Kind regards
Bjarne -
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
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