Dear Chis,
I could not find where I must change. ??
Edit Language
Language Code
2-Letter ISO Language Code for the Language you want to insert. (Example: en)
Flag Incorrect Flag Image Path! Please correct it!
Choose the corresponding country flag for language. (Example: gb.png)
The Name of the language, which will be displayed on the site. (Example: English)
PHP and WordPress Locale for the language. (Example: en_US)
You will need to install the .mo file for this language.
Date Format
Depending on your Date / Time Conversion Mode, you can either enter a strftime (use %q for day suffix (st,nd,rd,th)) or date format. This field is optional. (Example: %A %B %e%q, %Y)
Time Format
Depending on your Date / Time Conversion Mode, you can either enter a strftime or date format. This field is optional. (Example: %I:%M %p)
Not Available Message
Message to display if post is not available in the requested language. (Example: Sorry, this entry is only available in %LANG:, : and %.)
%LANG:<normal_seperator>:<last_seperator>% generates a list of languages seperated by <normal_seperator> except for the last one, where <last_seperator> will be used instead.