1. This is a CSS setting you change. For each Social Button you can add whatever CSS you want. Try adding height:23px; vertical-align:text-bottom;float:right;
to the CSS for each of the Social Buttons you are using. This is done on the Social Button Tab.
2. Use an empty Social Button – for example Social Button #4. First create a button. Make sure it is the same size as the existing buttons (64×64 pixels, I believe). Upload that image using the upload image button. Add the link of where is would go in “Social Icon 4 Link”. Update the CSS to your needs. This is done on the Social Button Tab.
3. Go to Main Options Tab. Set “Scroll Action” to be “ON”. Set “Scroll Amount:” to be how far down the page the user needs to scroll before the TopBar disappears. Try 0
at first, adjust as you see fit. It works best when the “Force TopBar to Be Fixed On Top of Page” is set to yes. So change that also.
p.s. Your website has some odd text being shown at the top (hidden under the TopBar):
lang="en-US" class="no-js"> football, soccer, highlights, rumors, Serie A, Champions League, blog
Looking at your HTML output, it appears a Meta data plugin (Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin) you are using might be setup wrong.