Okay. Some questions and some answers follow.
Have you searched the WPZoom/Academia forums for known problems with plugins? Some of their themes use unique plugins to create columns, etc. Shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s worth checking.
What exactly did you put on the Text tab? And what do you see on your Visual Tab (after you’ve put the plugin on the Text tab)?
Do you use shortcodes on any other pages and do they work? If they do, then check the template for the page they are working on. Same template as the sportsschedule/ page? (See below.)
Please send me the template for the page. By default, it should be page.php, but it could well be another template. The template might be doing something with the_content(), like ‘sanitizing’ it somehow. Another thing to try is disabling ALL plugins. If the shortcode magically works, you can start reactivating the plugins one by one till you identify the conflict.
Using only pages is fine. There should be no problem there.
As far as “view post”, have you moved the single-page and the content-single-page templates to your theme’s main folder? If you have, you may need to reset your your permalinks to Post Name. (It appears the they are already set to post name; if so, reset them by changing them to something else, saving, then changing them back.