How to use Featured Image Zoom plugin in Product Page in Woo-Commerce
I have activate the plugin on my website. But, it is not working in pages. I have added that short code in the footer.
echo do_shortcode("[zoom]");
Please help
Please provide a link to a page on your site where the issue can be seen.
I did two steps in my wensite.
Step 01
I have addedecho do_shortcode("[zoom]");
In the product page. it is not working properly. A large image displaying in the footer area.Then I removed the plugin also removed the code.
Step 02
Then I’ve registered script and add int function in my footerwp_enqueue_script('itsthe1_cottoncandyme_wptheme-zooom', '', array(), '06082015', true);
int code in footer
var x = jQuery('#image1').get(0).src; jQuery('#image1').addimagezoom({// single image zoom zoomrange: [3, 5], magnifiersize: [500, 380], magnifierpos: 'right', cursorshade: true, largeimage: x//<-- No comma after last option! });
When I am did like this. It was worked fine. But zoom image got stretch.
Then I removed that also.Now I am revised everything to my step 01. Because Now I am giving you the link. Here is it USE IT
Please help. Thanks
Have you tried including the shortcode’s callback code instead of do_shortcode:
if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) { cc_zoom_featured_image(); }
Alternatively you may have more success with one of the Woocommerce-specific plugins that provide a zoomable image:
I have added your given code in
and removedo_shortcode()
. Now its giving( ! ) Warning: Missing argument 1 for cc_zoom_featured_image(), called in
error.Thanks. But, I need to use your plugin zoom effect. Not other plugin effects.
It looks like the default parameters aren’t picked up if the code is included in the footer.
if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) { cc_zoom_featured_image( array('type' => 'lens') ); }
This code seems to work fine on my test site when included in the theme’s footer.php.
Does your theme’s footer.php contain the required wp_footer hook?
No it is not working. Plugin is activated. and added bellow code in in
. it is echoing a full size image in footer. same as when Ido_shortcode
in footer.function your_function() { if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) { cc_zoom_featured_image(array('type' => 'lens')); } } add_action('wp_footer', 'your_function', 100);
Try adding the following code to the footer.php where you want the zoomable image to appear instead of the code you added to the functions.php.
<?php if ( function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image') ) { cc_zoom_featured_image( array('type' => 'lens') ); } ?>
Dear Plugin Author,
I have added these in footer. Same result I am getting as like my
step 01
. It is echo a large image in the footer area. No zoom effect working.I want to add this zoom effect to my
This is the
I am getting when I am using your script in footer<div style="position: absolute; left: 214.5px; top: 642px; height: 531px; width: 800px;" class="zoomContainer"> <div class="zoomWindowContainer" style="width: 400px;"> <div class="zoomWindow" style="z-index: 999; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; background-position: 0px 0px; width: 800px; height: 531px; float: left; cursor: crosshair; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: absolute; background-image: url(""); top: 0px; left: 0px; display: block;">? </div> </div> </div>
Your site does not appear to be loading the required scripts.
Does your theme’s footer.php contain the required wp_footer hook?
You have a script loading called featuredimagezoomer.js – this is nothing to do with the ‘featured image zoom’ WordPress plugin – it just has a similar name.
Sorry Plugin Author.
I didn’t add
while I am using your plugin. That was mystep 02
.Here is the thing what I done for resolve my issue. Your plugin was not working in my website.
I have found
from a website. Then I have registered it in my template.<?php wp_enqueue_script('itsthe1_cottoncandyme_wptheme-multizoom-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/multizoom.js', array(), '06082015', true); ?>
and then in my custom script file. I have added follow code.
//product thumbnail zoomer var x = jQuery('#image1').get(0).src; jQuery('#image1').addimagezoom({// single image zoom zoomrange: [3, 5], magnifiersize: [500, 380], magnifierpos: 'right', cursorshade: true, largeimage: x //<-- No comma after last option! });
Also, I had a issue with image stretch, What I have done. I’ve modified
as followin
magnifyimage: function ($tracker, e, zoomrange) {
magnifier.$image.css({'max-width': nd[0], width: nd[0], height: nd[1]});//added max-width to overwrite other css
var nd = [od.w * newpower, od.h * newpower] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image within magnifier
Then added same
$'mouseover', function (e) {
inside of
if (setting.zoomrange) { //if set large image to a specific power
$bigimage.css({'max-width': nd[0], width: nd[0], height: nd[1]});//added max-width to overwrite other css
var nd = [w * setting.zoomrange[0], h * setting.zoomrange[0]] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image
issue is fixed. Will help others. Thanks
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