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  • Plugin Author cubecolour


    Please provide a link to a page on your site where the issue can be seen.

    Thread Starter Yeshan Perera


    I did two steps in my wensite.
    Step 01
    I have added echo do_shortcode("[zoom]"); In the product page. it is not working properly. A large image displaying in the footer area.

    Then I removed the plugin also removed the code.

    Step 02
    Then I’ve registered script and add int function in my footer

    wp_enqueue_script('itsthe1_cottoncandyme_wptheme-zooom', '', array(), '06082015', true);

    int code in footer

    var x = jQuery('#image1').get(0).src;
        jQuery('#image1').addimagezoom({// single image zoom
            zoomrange: [3, 5],
            magnifiersize: [500, 380],
            magnifierpos: 'right',
            cursorshade: true,
            largeimage: x//<-- No comma after last option!

    When I am did like this. It was worked fine. But zoom image got stretch.
    Then I removed that also.

    Now I am revised everything to my step 01. Because Now I am giving you the link. Here is it USE IT

    Please help. Thanks

    Plugin Author cubecolour


    Have you tried including the shortcode’s callback code instead of do_shortcode:

    if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) {

    Alternatively you may have more success with one of the Woocommerce-specific plugins that provide a zoomable image:

    Thread Starter Yeshan Perera


    I have added your given code in function.php and remove do_shortcode(). Now its giving ( ! ) Warning: Missing argument 1 for cc_zoom_featured_image(), called in error.

    Thanks. But, I need to use your plugin zoom effect. Not other plugin effects.

    Plugin Author cubecolour


    It looks like the default parameters aren’t picked up if the code is included in the footer.


    if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) {
    	cc_zoom_featured_image( array('type' => 'lens') );

    This code seems to work fine on my test site when included in the theme’s footer.php.

    Does your theme’s footer.php contain the required wp_footer hook?

    Thread Starter Yeshan Perera


    No it is not working. Plugin is activated. and added bellow code in in function.php. it is echoing a full size image in footer. same as when I do_shortcode in footer.

    function your_function() {
        if (function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image')) {
            cc_zoom_featured_image(array('type' => 'lens'));
    add_action('wp_footer', 'your_function', 100);
    Plugin Author cubecolour


    Try adding the following code to the footer.php where you want the zoomable image to appear instead of the code you added to the functions.php.

    if ( function_exists('cc_zoom_featured_image') ) {
    	cc_zoom_featured_image( array('type' => 'lens') );
    Thread Starter Yeshan Perera


    Dear Plugin Author,

    I have added these in footer. Same result I am getting as like my step 01. It is echo a large image in the footer area. No zoom effect working.

    I want to add this zoom effect to my product-page in woo-commerce

    This is the HTML I am getting when I am using your script in footer

    <div style="position: absolute; left: 214.5px; top: 642px; height: 531px; width: 800px;" class="zoomContainer">
    <div class="zoomWindowContainer" style="width: 400px;">
    <div class="zoomWindow" style="z-index: 999; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; background-position: 0px 0px; width: 800px; height: 531px; float: left; cursor: crosshair; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: absolute; background-image: url(""); top: 0px; left: 0px; display: block;">?
    Plugin Author cubecolour


    Your site does not appear to be loading the required scripts.

    Does your theme’s footer.php contain the required wp_footer hook?

    You have a script loading called featuredimagezoomer.js – this is nothing to do with the ‘featured image zoom’ WordPress plugin – it just has a similar name.

    Thread Starter Yeshan Perera


    Sorry Plugin Author.

    I didn’t add featuredimagezoomer.js while I am using your plugin. That was my step 02.

    Here is the thing what I done for resolve my issue. Your plugin was not working in my website.

    I have found multizoom.js from a website. Then I have registered it in my template.

    wp_enqueue_script('itsthe1_cottoncandyme_wptheme-multizoom-js', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/multizoom.js', array(), '06082015', true);

    and then in my custom script file. I have added follow code.

    //product thumbnail zoomer
        var x = jQuery('#image1').get(0).src;
        jQuery('#image1').addimagezoom({// single image zoom
            zoomrange: [3, 5],
            magnifiersize: [500, 380],
            magnifierpos: 'right',
            cursorshade: true,
            largeimage: x //<-- No comma after last option!

    Also, I had a issue with image stretch, What I have done. I’ve modified multizoom.js as follow


    magnifyimage: function ($tracker, e, zoomrange) {


    magnifier.$image.css({'max-width': nd[0], width: nd[0], height: nd[1]});//added max-width to overwrite other css


    var nd = [od.w * newpower, od.h * newpower] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image within magnifier

    Then added same



    $'mouseover', function (e) {

    inside of

    if (setting.zoomrange) { //if set large image to a specific power


    $bigimage.css({'max-width': nd[0], width: nd[0], height: nd[1]});//added max-width to overwrite other css


    var nd = [w * setting.zoomrange[0], h * setting.zoomrange[0]] //calculate dimensions of new enlarged image

    issue is fixed. Will help others. Thanks

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