• Hi, I dont understand how these forums work exactly. I asked a question the other day and I can search it but I cant find a link to it (it was moved). I also posted onto an earlier thread – many hourws ago. So, I am sitting here stuck. Not that everyone isnt busy but, if I cant get unstuck mught as well do something else for the weekend. Hoping for some idea?

    I am new to wordpress and I cant get WP to upload a picture to a page. It looks like if I upload a picture file, which I did, that then drag it above to the Edit wondow, the curesor turns into a green plus mark so it looks like that is how it should be done. But it wont take a drop there. Notherin I do puts a graphic file on a page yet.

    I also have the NextGEN gallery set up but not configured as it needed a chmod777 setting to work and I am not comfortable doing that quite yet. I want to at least finish moving all my passwords off the public folder before I start granting unlimited write permission to any folders I have – especially folders that contain my photography.

    If anyone could help me to get past the starting gate I would very much appreciate it. I “think” I am running th latest version as I downloaded it and dragged it to my server. But I dont know exactly how to tell as nowhere did it mention I was installing an upgrade? I am also a Mac 10.4.9 user if it matters.

    Much thanks.

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  • Thread Starter levelbest


    Man this is weird. I must not be doing something right the way I am posting because I can’t get any love around here? Too many posts unanswered for too long. Oh well.

    I wish there was some help somewhere. Not meaning to fuss too much, appreciate any help that comes my way, everyone is busy, I am not the only user, its open source anyway, etc.

    After my browser completely crashed, OmniWeb, I figured that it was my browser that was not rendering images. Firefox seems to be doing a much better job of it. So forging ahead

    hi ??

    The link under your name .. the one that says “member” — it will take you to your profile:


    from there you can find all the threads you’ve started and participated in.

    Thread Starter levelbest


    Thanks very much. I sent a suggetion in to make serch resuots a little better at linking. Your idea seems sound and I will use it. I appreciate it.

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