• Resolved giova_kde


    In the bulletin board of my website I find the warning that I have to update the php version but when I try to do it it tells me that it is not possible. The service provider, Aruba, says it depends on the child I created to customize the theme. It’s possible? How can I solve the problem? Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author nobita


    Hi @giova_kde

    Themes work fine with PHP7

    The theme does not issue a message for each version of PHP.

    ‘It is not possible’ may have been output from another plug-in. Please stop and check all plug-ins once.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    The Aruba technicians have told me that the problem could derive from the child theme. It’s possible?

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    I tried removing all the plugins and starting PHP Compatibility Checker. After a minute, the following sentence appears: The plugin / theme was skipped as it was too large to scan the server.

    Theme Author nobita


    It looks like you are currently using WordPress 5.2.2.

    Even if you don’t use a plug-in, you can find out if there are any problems with your site.

    Dashboard / Tools / Site Health

    Please check problems

    Site Health Check in 5.2

    I am checked theme compatibility with PHP7.3

    Nothing ploblems

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    This is report.

    Server Setup:
    ? collapse
    OS Type Linux webxc38s03.ad.aruba.it 2.6.32-754.10.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 15 17:07:28 UTC 2019 x86_64
    Server Software Apache
    Server Signature
    Server Name https://www.studisemeriani.it
    Server Address
    Server Port 80
    PHP Version 5.6.32
    Zend Version 2.6.0
    Platform 64Bit
    Loaded Extensions Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, SPL, iconv, session, json, mbstring, mcrypt, standard, mysql, mysqlnd, mysqli, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, exif, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, cgi-fcgi, tidy, SourceGuardian, imagick, mhash, ionCube Loader
    MySQL Server 5.5.62-38.14-log
    Memory Limit 256 MB
    Server Quota’s: access not permitted or quota not configured.
    Server Locale:
    ? collapse
    (LC_CTYPE) C
    (LC_TIME) C
    Load Average:
    ? collapse
    last 1 minute -n.a.-
    last 5 minutes -n.a.-
    last 15 minutes -n.a.-
    ? collapse
    Your provider denies the function exec for security reasons.
    (You will not get any memory related information because of above named restriction.)
    PHP Runtime Boot
    0,00 %
    -n.a.- | If you want to know the pure amount of memory the PHP runtime has allocated, read the documentation about modification of wp-config.php to get a boot strip.
    System Health Boot
    8,38 %
    21,45 MB | Will be passed if this monitoring plugin has been loaded successful.
    Plugins Active
    31,07 %
    79,53 MB | Will be passed if all active plugins have been loaded successful.
    Theme / Widgets
    31,07 %
    79,55 MB | Will be passed if the Theme and Widget Factory has been initialized.
    Init WordPress
    38,59 %
    98,79 MB | Will be passed if WordPress initialization has been finished.
    Init Admin Center
    40,11 %
    102,67 MB | Will be passed if Admin Center initialization has been finished.
    Rendering Dashboard
    40,53 %
    103,76 MB | Will be passed during generation of this Dashboard Overview.
    Textdomains: show detailed ?
    (textdomain: “default”) File: wp-content/languages/loco/it_IT.mo
    Size: 1 KB
    Strings: 7

    File: wp-content/languages/it_IT.mo
    Size: 327 KB
    Strings: 3538

    File: wp-content/languages/loco/admin-it_IT.mo
    Size: 398 KB
    Strings: 2619

    File: wp-content/languages/admin-it_IT.mo
    Size: 438 KB
    Strings: 2939

    total translations
    (summary) Loaded Files: 28
    Total Size: 2 MB
    Total Strings: 14719
    disable dashboard widget
    disable server storage quota’s at dashboard
    disable admin footer memory message
    enable public performance monitoring comments
    block size for disk quota’s

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by giova_kde.
    Thread Starter giova_kde


    I have a child theme.

    Theme Author nobita


    I have a child theme.

    Enough to keep your customization.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    I deleted a plugin that was annoying but now, as soon as I try to update, it tells me:

    Warning: Declaration of & raindrops_CSS_Color::raindrops_raiseError($message, $method, $line) should be compatible with & raindrops_PEAR::raindrops_raiseError($message = NULL, $code = NULL, $mode = NULL, $options = NULL, $userinfo = NULL, $error_class = NULL, $skipmsg = false) in /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/lib/csscolor/csscolor.php on line 1582

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function split() in /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/functions.php:7971 Stack trace: #0 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/functions.php(8077): small_screen_check() #1 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-settings.php(499): include(‘/web/htdocs/www…’) #2 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-config.php(89): require_once(‘/web/htdocs/www…’) #3 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-load.php(37): require_once(‘/web/htdocs/www…’) #4 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once(‘/web/htdocs/www…’) #5 /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-admin/index.php(10): require_once(‘/web/htdocs/www…’) #6 {main} thrown in /web/htdocs/www.studisemeriani.it/home/portal/wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/functions.php on line 7971

    Theme Author nobita


    The child theme you created may not have been created correctly

    /wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/lib/csscolor/csscolor.php on line 1582

    above file usually does not exist in a child theme

    wp-content/themes/raindrops_child/functions.php(8077): small_screen_check() 

    above function was added in raindrops0.958 and obsoleted in raindrops1.333.

    From the above, it seems that the old version of the raindrops theme has been renamed and used as a child theme.

    About child theme


    Raindrops basic child theme

    raindrops child theme download

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    If I only remove the faulty code that should not be present? Wanting to download the Raindrops basic child theme to replace the present one, do I have to redo all the customizations again?

    Is it possible to buy a pro version that gives the possibility of technical support in cases like these?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by giova_kde.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by giova_kde.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by giova_kde.
    Theme Author nobita


    Hi @giova_kde

    do I have to redo all the customizations again?

    Case by case.

    If renamed Raindrops is used for a child theme, the update will not be reflected even if the parent theme is updated.

    It’s the same as using an old theme, so I don’t know what will happen.

    The theme settings are not deleted just by deactivation.
    After activating a new child theme, if you switch back to the theme you used, the theme settings will be applied.

    Is it possible to buy a pro version that gives the possibility of technical support in cases like these?

    Please check Customizer top right horizontal menu


    Make sure that data stored: option is displayed.
    Once confirmed, upload and install the child theme.

    After activating the theme, open the customizer page

    Customize / Advanced

    Import Raindrops Theme Current Setting

    Set Import Raindrops Theme Current Settings.


    Please let me know if you get any strange results

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter giova_kde


    I made the transition to the new version of php maintaining the main theme. Thinking about it, I don’t want to install a child theme. It means that, with each update of the topic, I will correct any inconsistencies. Thanks.

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