• Resolved Harry.singh


    Hi Team,
    Kindly help me to resolve the issue. My front home page below blog section image is not updated and headings also not updated as it is connected with my blog of the site. My site is https://www.polconline.com

    I want the image and heading of home page blog section should change as I am updating my blogs.

    Kindly help to resolve.


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  • Hi

    Changes for Blog title and Description follow path

    Theme Dashboard >> appearance >> option panel >> home testimonial >> Recent blog title

    and kindly replace index-testimonials files with this link.

    then save and cahnge


    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Hi Ali,
    Thanks for your response. As you told me to update the recent blog by going to
    Theme Dashboard >> appearance >> option panel >> home testimonial >> Recent blog title
    Cannot it be automatically updated in the blog section of home page?

    Secondly May I know which file to replace and your link has two files one is code and second is raw code? Kindly confirm
    What will happen when we replace? Please update. Thanks


    Only replace index-testimonials File with this link.

    and use RAW Paste Data in pastebin.

    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Hi Team,
    I have pasted this code of your link to my index-testimonials.php file but nothing has been changed.
    My front page blog section has default girl picture and nothing has been changed.
    I have not used Raw paste data anywhere.

    This is the code which I replaced in the index-testimonials.php

    $template_uri=get_template_directory_uri(). ‘/images/default’ ;
    <div class=”container”>
    <div class=”row”>
    <div class=”span6 testimonial_mn”>
    <?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_title’]!=”) {?>
    <h2><?php echo $current_options[‘testimonials_title’]; ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <span><?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_text’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_text’]; } ?></span></h2>
    <div id=”testimonial_mn_cols” class=”media”>
    <img alt=”webriti” src=”<?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_image_one’]!=”) { echo esc_url($current_options[‘testimonials_image_one’]);} ?>” class=”media-object img-circle pull-left recent_blog_thumb”>
    <div class=”media-body”>
    <p><?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_text_one’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_text_one’];} ?></p>
    <?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_name_one’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_name_one’];} ?> <span><?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_designation_one’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_designation_one’];} ?></span>

    <div id=”testimonial_mn_cols” class=”media”>
    <img alt=”webriti” src=”<?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_image_two’]!=”) { echo esc_url($current_options[‘testimonials_image_two’]);} ?>” class=”media-object img-circle pull-left recent_blog_thumb”>
    <div class=”media-body”>
    <p><?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_text_two’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_text_two’];} ?></p>
    <?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_name_two’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_name_two’];} ?> <span>(<?php if($current_options[‘testimonials_designation_two’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘testimonials_designation_two’];} ?>)</span>
    <div class=”span6 recent_blog”>
    <h2><?php if($current_options[‘recent_blog_title’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘recent_blog_title’];} ?>
    <span><?php if($current_options[‘recent_blog_description’]!=”) { echo $current_options[‘recent_blog_description’];} ?></span></h2>
    <div class=”row”>
    <?php $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,’posts_per_page’ => 4,’post__not_in’=>get_option(“sticky_posts”)) ;
    query_posts( $args );
    if(query_posts( $args ))
    { ?>
    <div class=”span3″>
    <div class=”media” id=”recent_blog_cols”>
    <?php $defalt_arg =array(‘class’ => “media-object img-circle pull-left recent_blog_thumb”);?>
    <?php if(has_post_thumbnail()){?>
    “><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘post_feature_recent_image_thumb’,$defalt_arg);?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    “><img class=”media-object img-circle pull-left recent_blog_thumb” src=”<?php echo $template_uri .’/testimonial.jpg’; ?>”>
    <?php } ?>
    <div class=”media-body”>
    <p>“><?php the_title() ;?></p>
    <span><?php echo get_the_date(‘M j,Y’);?></span>

    <?php } endwhile ;
    } else { ?>
    <div class=”span3″>
    <div class=”media-body”>
    <p><?php _e(‘No POST TO DISPLAY…’,’busi_prof’);?></p>
    <?php } ;?>

    Kindly reply and resolve


    girl picture is Default picture
    if you not assign feature image in post then you will see default image in blog image section.

    any confusion follow below link.
    1. LINK1
    2. LINK2
    3. LINK3

    NOTE : – Please clear your cache memory then check your website.


    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Hi Team,
    Thanks a lot for your kind support. My concern has been resolved but now I am getting concern related to images.
    Due to feature image I am getting two duplicate images in the blog. Please resolve and let me know the resolution. Thanks


    Please Create new ticket for other issue.


    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Hi Team,
    It is a part of old issue only where I am getting the images in the front home page but I am getting duplicate images in the blog due to feature image as you said.
    Kindly check and help me to remove the duplicate images from the blog.


    To remove duplicate image from blog page add the below css code into
    Custom css box .

    .blog_section_img { display:none; }


    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Kindly let me know which custom css box. Please reply.


    Go to Appearance << Option Panel << And find the custom css box and enter

    The css code


    Thread Starter Harry.singh


    Thanks Its resolved. God bless you dear team.

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