How to uninstall Jetpack fully, including all the tables of Jetpack from DB?
We have installed and used the Jetpack previously, but we are not using it anymore. So we uninstalled it from our website, but when we checked the database of our website, it showed a lot of tables that are related to Jetpack, and it has not yet been fully removed. You can check the attached screenshot, and in that screenshot, all the entries are autoload data, and it will lead to a performance issue if we autoload the data of an uninstalled plugin. We somehow need to remove all these entries, including autoload options and all other options, from Jetpack. We used the Jetpack addon plugin to remove the Jetpack options from the database, but we think it does not work properly. If it worked, all the data entries from the database should be removed, right? but not happen.
How can we fully remove all the data from the Jetpack plugin from our website and database?
Please check and let us know your feedback.
Thank you
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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