How To: Troubleshoot when my plugin is not working.
Hey there! Before submitting a support request (which I genuinely love replying to and helping my users!), please make sure you have covered these bases:
Are you looking at a single post outside of the date range set in the settings page? My plugin does not work on archives (like the blog home, category/month/tag pages, or any other page where more than one post appears). There’s a really good reason for this, which I explain in this response to a review. This is historically the number one support misunderstanding for my plugin.Once we’ve cleared that hurdle, in your support request, follow these general guidelines:
- Don’t add your request onto the end of an existing ticket. The main reason is that I scan through tickets by whether or not they are resolved when I go through (roughly weekly) and respond to everyone. Also, we don’t want folks (other than me) to get emails about my plugin that don’t relate to them
- Have you provided a link to the exact post where the issue is occurring? Giving me the link to your home page means I’ll have to dig a bit more to find a post that is old enough to have the date hidden. Sometimes that’s obvious, but please do me the favor of taking me straight to a post where the problem is. Also, this will help make sure you aren’t unknowingly violating THE BIG ONE from above.
- Related to that, I don’t have (or want, while we are being clear) access to the backend of your site, so I don’t know how many days you’ve set the date to show. Please include that in the support request.
Thanks so much for using my plugin. I look forward to helping!
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