I had the exact same issue and it took many many hours to debug but I finally found it.
First this is how I debugged it:
* tried allowing the feed URL through our firewall which blocks outgoing http to reduce cross-site scripting attacks; didn’t work so I tried opening up the whole firewall, that didn’t work either;
* next there were a bunch of disabled functions so I enabled them all, that didn’t fix it either;
* next I figured it must be a PHP module that wasn’t loaded so I put a fresh install of WordPress on my personal website and tried the RSS widget and it just worked as expected using the same RSS URL;
To further refine that I painstakingly compared what was enabled in PHP on my personal server versus what was enabled on the non-working server and found a list of things that I thought might have something to do with it. Found that the non-working server did not have these likely candidates enabled (YMMV):
bzip2 curl curlwrappers hash libedit readline xmlreader zip
Enabled all those and it worked (woohoo!)
Next back-tracked to see which one it was. Thought curl was a likely culprit so took those 2 out and re-compiled PHP: RSS widget still worked. On a hunch took out xmlreader again and that was the one, well at least it is required as the RSS widget stopped working.
I stopped back-tracking there, not taking out the others but leaving in xmlreader as none of the remaining additions represented any security threats to my knowledge but I left curl disabled.
So in my case it seems to have been that xmlreader was not compiled into PHP (YMMV)
To summarize troubleshooting of this:
- test firewall issues
- test disabled PHP functions
- test missing PHP extensions