I have found the solution.
Open the wp-jquery-lightbox.php
and find the following code:
function jqlb_js() {
if(is_admin() || is_feed()){return;}
wp_enqueue_script('jquery', '', array(), false, true);
wp_enqueue_script('wp-jquery-lightbox', JQLB_SCRIPT_URL, Array('jquery'), '1.3.3', true);
wp_localize_script('wp-jquery-lightbox', 'JQLBSettings', array(
'fitToScreen' => get_option('jqlb_resize_on_demand'),
'resizeSpeed' => get_option('jqlb_resize_speed'),
'displayDownloadLink' => get_option('jqlb_show_download'),
'navbarOnTop' => get_option('jqlb_navbarOnTop'),
'loopImages' => get_option('jqlb_loopImages'),
'resizeCenter' => get_option('jqlb_resizeCenter'),
'marginSize' => get_option('jqlb_margin_size'),
'linkTarget' => get_option('jqlb_link_target'),
//'followScroll' => get_option('jqlb_follow_scroll'),
/* translation */
'help' => __(get_option('jqlb_help_text'), 'jqlb'),
'prevLinkTitle' => __('previous image', 'jqlb'),
'nextLinkTitle' => __('next image', 'jqlb'),
'prevLinkText' => __('? Previous', 'jqlb'),
'nextLinkText' => __('Next ?', 'jqlb'),
'closeTitle' => __('close image gallery', 'jqlb'),
'image' => __('Image ', 'jqlb'),
'of' => __(' of ', 'jqlb'),
'download' => __('Download', 'jqlb')
Replace the:
'previous image'
'next image'
'? Previous'
'Next ?'
'close image gallery'
'Image '
' of '
with words on your language, save the file and upload it back to the host.
Edit image wp-jquery-lightbox/styles/images/closelabel.gif
and change the text with the word on your language, save it and upload to the server.
You are done, user part of the plugin is translated now.