• Hi,

    Posts and Pages are easy to translate, these contents have a flag or their language.

    But Theme Builder has no flag, so I don’t know how to make the translation.
    For instaance I’ve create a template for 404 page and it is shown in the same language for the entire website, even if I browse a different language.

    Maybe do I need Polylang Pro ?

    Thanks a lot.


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  • I interested in this topic!

    Thread Starter Jairo Ochoa


    Finally I used a shortocode in order to add multilingual content.

    function language_shortcode( $atts, $content = null )
    	if ( empty($content) ) return '';
    	extract( shortcode_atts( array('lang' => ''), $atts ) );
    	if ( empty($lang) ) return "Please set the language ";
    	return ( $lang == pll_current_language() ) ? $content : '';
    add_shortcode('language', 'language_shortcode');

    [language lang=”en”]English[/language][language lang=”es”]Espa?ol[/language]

    Unfortunately it only works in text modules.

    Thanks Jairo.
    How can I test it?

    Thread Starter Jairo Ochoa


    I cannot attach images which would help even more, so I will try to explain it.

    Enter Divi > Theme Builder.
    Choose your 404 page template, for instance the Body.
    Then add the text in any of the languages you need:

    [language lang="en"]It seems that there is an error and the page you are looking for does not exist.[/language][language lang="es"]Parece que hay un error y la página que buscas no existe.[/language]

    Repeat this shortocodes where ever you need.

    It works !

    Hopefully they will make the functionality easier in future updates.

    Thanks Jairo!

    Hi Jairo,

    Thank you for sharing your solutions. Work like a charme for me.

    Kind regards

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