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  • Thread Starter Anonymous User 13302461


    Actually it is AffiliateWP not WP Affiliate that I am using.

    OK so they have a generic referral tracking code such as
    [affiliate_conversion_script amount=”10″ description=”My Description” context=”Contact Form” reference=”1234″ status=”pending”]

    I need to put this code on the tickera confirmation page, but I cannot find where to edit the confirmation page(hence my other post asking how to do that)

    So on the confirmation page we have something such as this shown to the customer:
    “Your payment via Stripe for this order totaling £1.00 is complete.”

    Now I need to get that variable £1.00 and add it to the referral tracking code. So if that variable inside Tickera is called $total then I can add that to the tracking code which is hidden in the confirmation page, along these lines:
    [affiliate_conversion_script amount=”$total” description=”My Description” context=”Contact Form” reference=”1234″ status=”pending”]

    And viola it should work and track the affiliate total.

    Please can anyone help with this..! I am very stuck with it and was meant to get it working weeks ago! ??

    Plugin Author Tickera


    You can update Tickera now to version where we added additional hooks. So you can do as following:

    add_action( ‘tc_track_order_confirmation’, ‘my_track’, 10, 3 );

    function my_track( $order, $payment_info, $cart_info ) {
    global $tc;

    $cart_info = isset( $_SESSION[ ‘cart_info’ ] ) ? $_SESSION[ ‘cart_info’ ] : $cart_info;

    $reference = $order;

    $order = tc_get_order_id_by_name( $order );
    $order = new TC_Order( $order->ID );

    $status = $order->details->post_status;//order_paid, order_received
    $amount = $tc->get_cart_currency_and_format( $order->details->tc_payment_info[ ‘total’ ] );

    do_shortcode(‘[affiliate_conversion_script amount=”‘.$amount.'” description=”Order #’.$reference.'” context=”Confirmation Page” reference=”‘.$reference.'” status=”‘.$status.'”]’);

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