Try this in analtyics tag inside of the GTM
// Outbound Link Tracking with Google Analytics
// Requires jQuery 1.7 or higher (use .live if using a lower version)
$(function() {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
// Console logs shows the domain name of the link being clicked and the current window
// console.log('e.currentTarget.host: ' + e.currentTarget.host);
// console.log('window.location.host: ' + window.location.host);
// If the domains names are different, it assumes it is an external link
// Be careful with this if you use subdomains
if (e.currentTarget.host != window.location.host) {
// console.log('external link click');
// Outbound link! Fires the Google tracker code.
_gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent("Outbound Links", e.currentTarget.host, url, 0);
// Checks to see if the ctrl or command key is held down
// which could indicate the link is being opened in a new tab
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
// console.log('ctrl or meta key pressed');
var newtab = true;
// If it is not a new tab, we need to delay the loading
// of the new link for a just a second in order to give the
// Google track event time to fully fire
if (!newtab) {
// console.log('default prevented');
// console.log('loading link after brief timeout');
setTimeout('document.location = "' + url + '"', 100);
else {
console.log('internal link click');