How to test 2 images on category page?
we would like to AB-test 2 images on a Woocommerce category page. The question is simple: which image generates more clicks? How would I set up the test? The standard options (page, custom post type, headline etc.) will not work here. I thought about using the CSS option to add CSS that would hide one image and show the other one. I can see the added CSS in the javascript part like so:
<script data-cfasync="false" id='nelio-ab-testing-main-js-after'> window.nabAddSingleAction( "main-init-available", function() { nab.init( {"alternativePostIds":[],"experiments":{"540097":{"alternatives":[[],{"name":"Waschimobil im Einatz","css":".showimage {\n display: block;\n}\n.hideimage {\n display: none;\n}\n"}],"goals":[{"id":0,"conversionActions":[{"type":"nab\/click","attributes":{"mode":"css","value":"camping-hero-thumb"}}]}],"segments":[],"type":"nab\/css"}},"heatmapTracking":[],"optimizeXPath":true,"gdprCookie":false,"participationChance":100,"siteId":"fe153738-cdd4-44e4-acf8-128164f653ab","timezone":"+02:00","trackingUrl":"https:\/\/\/v1\/site\/fe153738-cdd4-44e4-acf8-128164f653ab\/event","useSendBeacon":true} ); } ); window.nabAddSingleAction( "main-ready", function() { nab.view( [540097] ); } ); </script>
But his does not help, since I need the CSS on page load. To be honest, I’m not even sure that I understand how the code would work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
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