• Hi all,

    I setup a blog for a client that posted 6 posts in the month of August.

    Once September came around, all the posts disappeared from the blog page that displayed the posts, and the only way to access the posts is to use the Archive widget, and view them by month.

    How can I setup/modify my blog page, so that it shows the posts from the month of August, regardless if it is September now.

    Joe Cannes

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  • Does the index page have next/previous links? The older posts will simply be pushed onto the second page (assuming 6 posts per page).

    Thread Starter joecannes


    I used the default theme that comes with Wopdress 3.0.1, and modified it, so in my loop.php file, i am simply using this:

    <div id="nav-above" class="navigation">
      <div class="nav-previous">
        <?php previous_posts_link('&laquo; Newer Entries', 0) ?>
      <div class="nav-next">
       <?php next_posts_link('Older Entries &raquo;', 0); ?>
      <div class="clear"></div>

    Are you using a custom template you designed for the blog page, or the default loop that comes with the twenty-ten theme?

    Thread Starter joecannes


    The default loop that comes with the twenty-ten theme

    And you see no posts at all on the index page? That’s strange, because the twenty-ten loop doesn’t have any queries that show posts only for a certain month…

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  • The topic ‘how to still show Archived posts on index.php after month has passes’ is closed to new replies.