The above is from a test page i created…
category-1.php is used whenever the category with ID 1 (Uncategorized in this example) is being shown….
The above code was copied and pasted from the index page, then i stripped out most of the HTML so you could see how it’s done….
It uses the same code as your index page would, but the difference being it already knows to only show posts for category with the ID 1, and i’ve stripped out the content etc since you only want a list with the titles that link to the posts…..
Then switched the normal entry containers (my regular HTML containers for showing posts) and used a list for each post instead of the regular HTML.
I’ve tested it as working without a problem, all you have to do is put your own theme specific HTML in….
You’ll notice the_content(); is missing, aswell as the author etc… but essentially it’s not much different to a normal index page or archive page… it’s just stripped of what’s NOT needed.
The above code will work with what you have. Create a file named category-ID.php , where ID is actually the number of the category you want this to apply to, i used 1 as the example with refers to Uncategorized posts and plonk the code in, Save, load the page and click the category…
It will work, the only problem will be that the HTML is not formatted and tailored to your site, since i have no idea of your existing theme or code.