• Resolved twobyte


    The WP Job Manager plugin appears to be a really well put together.

    I am trying to do something which I thought should be quite straight forward but I’ve come up against a wall. Hoping I may be able to get some help here?

    Essentially I want each employer to set their company name, tagline and logo etc. on a separate page within their dashboard. Then when they post a job the same company info is applied to all their job postings, so they’ll only be able to post jobs for their own company as stored in their user meta.

    So I have been following the documentation and used the shortcode [submit_job_form] on both the “Post a job” (ID: 83) and “Update company details” (ID: 164) pages. Now I have been adding hooks to the functions.php file:

    // separate out company and job fields to different pages.
    add_filter( 'submit_job_form_fields', 'frontend_job_form_customise' );
    function frontend_job_form_customise( $fields ) {
    	if( is_page(83) ){ // members/job-dashboard/post-a-job/
    		unset($fields['company']); // take out company fields. managed separately in profile.
    	if( is_page(164) ){ //members/update-profile/company-details/
    		unset($fields['job']); // take out job fields. this is for updating user meta.
    	return $fields;
    add_action( 'submit_job_form_job_fields_end', 'invisible_company_fields' );
    function invisible_company_fields(){
    	if( is_page(83) ){
    		// still need to store company meta in job submit form using hidden fields
    		$hiddenfields = array('company_name','company_website' ,'company_tagline' ,'company_video' ,'company_twitter','company_logo');
    		$str = '';
    		foreach($hiddenfields as $field){
    			// get meta value if exist
    			$val = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), '_'.$field, true);
    			if($val !== ''){
    				$str .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$field.'" value="'.$val.'">';
    		echo $str;
     * Remove the preview step for company details form only.
     * @param  array $steps
     * @return array
    function custom_submit_job_steps( $steps ) {
    	if( is_page(164) ){
    		unset( $steps['preview'] );
    	return $steps;
    add_filter( 'submit_job_steps', 'custom_submit_job_steps' );
     * Change button text
    function change_preview_text() {
    	if( is_page(164) ){
    		return __( 'Update details', 'rf' );
    		return __( 'Preview', 'rf' );
    add_filter( 'submit_job_form_submit_button_text', 'change_preview_text' );

    Now while the fields are being removed from the forms where desired, all sorts of problems are arising. When I save a company, it still displays the Preview page and an error is thrown: “Notice: Undefined index: job in wp-content/plugins/wp-job-manager/includes/forms/class-wp-job-manager-form-submit-job.php on line 434” and then when I add a job, the first time the company data is stored but the second time it has been cleared.

    I have tried quite a few things, such as setting my own $steps['submit']['handler'] in the submit_job_steps filter but cannot get it to work! Any help or tips appreciated.



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  • Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    If I’m understanding this correctly you don’t need to make any changes to the plugin. Set the user meta via a separate form. e.g. _company_name user meta will be picked up by our form automatically and pre-fill it.

    Thread Starter twobyte


    Okay, thanks Mike, that makes sense.

    What capability does the submit job form check against? For consistency it would make sense to check for the same capability when updating user meta and uploading company photo.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    The job form does not care about user capabilities. Guests can submit jobs for example.

    Thread Starter twobyte


    Isn’t it a security concern? Or when you say guests do you mean they have to be logged in (subscribers)?

    Also I produced a second form for the user meta (had to enable file upload capability for subscriber to support the logo upload). The hidden company fields are populating on the job submit form, but when I preview the job and go back to edit details, all those company fields are wiped out! Must be because I unset $fields[‘company’], but I already tried changing field type to hidden which didn’t work. How else can I hide them from the job submit form?

    Thread Starter twobyte


    Okay I worked around this by keeping $fields['company'] and with the ‘submit_job_form_fields’ filter set them all to field type hidden

    foreach ($fields['company'] as $key => $value)
    			$fields['company'][$key]['type'] = 'hidden';

    then I added these new templates (based on existing templates within the plugin folder):


    The hidden-field.php template is a new template I had to produce to support the hidden fields; the job-submit.php template basically just strips out all the superfluous markup for the (now hidden) company fields.

    Just need to work out how to replicate the great image upload feature you have for the _company_logo file field now!

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    No its not security concern because this plugin is supposed to be usable as a public job board. You can enable moderation.

    So you don’t want these editable at all? Users cannot tweak logos or text and they are not recruiters or posting on other’s behalf?

    Thread Starter twobyte


    Members can post jobs only for their company for which they have a profile page. I suppose posting for third parties could become a requirement in future but right now this is not specified.

    If a member updates the company details in their profile (using these _company_name fields etc.) will this also update the content assigned to their previously posted jobs, or is this data being duplicated and attached to each individual job post?

    If a job is deleted and the company data is also deleted it might be better to set up independent company fields to populate member profiles?

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Data is stored per-job. There is no entity for companies. Based on what you just said the approach should be:

    – REMOVE company fields and data
    – Display PROFILE data on job pages manually by looking at the post_author and pulling from that user

    Thread Starter twobyte


    Thank you Mike, that makes sense.

    I am actually implementing a solution similar to this as it provides a bit more flexibility.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Ok good luck ??

    Twobyte – hw is it going? I’d love to get the code too ??

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