• Resolved julianjanjan


    Hi, the plugin seems really good so far but I need help with something:
    I would like the frontend file/folder list to appear sorted by date (descending). The newest file or folder should be displayed at the top.
    Right now, by default, I guess it’s sorted by date ascending (is it?).

    I already found this thread:
    But adding that “add_filter(‘lv_containing_files’…)” code via the code snippets plugin doesn’t change anything.

    What could I be missing? Do you have to “activate” the lv_containing_files filter first, or something like that?

    Best regards and have a nice weekend

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  • Plugin Author Pexle Chris


    Hello, sorry for the delayed answer but I was on holideays.

    This code of the previous ticket

    add_filter('lv_containing_files', function($arr){
    $arr = array_reverse($arr);
    return $arr;

    is used to reverse the containing files of the folder and it works!

    You need something like that (the code is incomplete)

    add_filter('lv_containing_files', function($arr){
    $arr = array_reverse($arr);
    foreach($arr as $k=>$v){
    $arr[$k]['time'] = filemtime( $v['file_abs_path'] );

    // Then, you need to sort the array $arr by timme subvalue
    // You can read more here about sorting array in php: https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays_sort.asp
    // You can ask your developer how to do it or you can use chatgpt to sort the array for you

    return $arr;
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