Hi catacaustic,
Ive checked the file and at line 80, I couldn’t understand how to change it to non static. I’m not a programmer so maybe that explains why I couldn’t change it.
See if you can explain how to change this.
here is the file:
* Plugin Name: zM Ajax Login & Register
* Plugin URI: --
* Description: Creates a simple login and register modal with an optional shortcode.
* Version: 1.0.7
* Author: Zane Matthew
* Author URI: https://zanematthew.com/
* License: GPL V2 or Later
* Plugin initial setup
function zm_ajax_login_register_init(){
// Set up localization
load_plugin_textdomain( 'ajax_login_register', false, plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/languages' );
add_action( 'init', 'zm_ajax_login_register_init' );
function zm_ajax_login_register_enqueue_scripts(){
$dependencies = array(
// Generic
wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui-custom', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "assets/jquery-ui.css" );
wp_enqueue_style( 'ajax-login-register-style', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "assets/style.css" );
wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-login-register-script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/scripts.js', $dependencies );
// Login
wp_enqueue_style( 'ajax-login-register-login-style', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "assets/login.css" );
wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-login-register-login-script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/login.js', $dependencies );
// Register
wp_enqueue_style( 'ajax-login-register-register-style', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . "assets/register.css" );
wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-login-register-register-script', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/register.js', $dependencies );
wp_localize_script( 'ajax-login-register-script', '_ajax_login_settings', zm_ajax_login_register_localized_js() );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'zm_ajax_login_register_enqueue_scripts');
function zm_ajax_login_register_localized_js(){
$redirect_url = get_option('ajax_login_register_redirect');
$redirect_url = empty( $redirect_url ) ? network_site_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : $redirect_url;
$redirect_url = apply_filters( 'zm_ajax_login_redirect', $redirect_url );
$width = array(
'default' => 265,
'wide' => 440,
'extra_buttons' => 666,
'mobile' => 300
$style = get_option('ajax_login_register_default_style');
$fb_button = get_option('ajax_login_register_facebook');
if ( $style == 'wide' && $fb_button ){
$key = 'extra_buttons';
} elseif( wp_is_mobile() ) {
$key = 'mobile';
} elseif ( $style == 'wide' ){
$key = 'wide';
} else {
$key = 'default';
$defaults = array(
'ajaxurl' => admin_url("admin-ajax.php"),
'login_handle' => get_option('ajax_login_register_advanced_usage_login'),
'register_handle' => get_option('ajax_login_register_advanced_usage_register'),
'redirect' => $redirect_url,
'dialog_width' => $width[ $key ],
'match_error' => AjaxLogin::status('passwords_do_not_match','description'),
'is_user_logged_in' => is_user_logged_in() ? 1 : 0,
'wp_logout_url' => wp_logout_url( site_url() ),
'logout_text' => __('Logout', 'ajax_login_register' )
$localized = apply_filters( 'zm_ajax_login_register_localized_js', $defaults );
return $localized;
* Include our abstract which is a Class of shared Methods for our Classes.
require_once 'controllers/abstract.php';
* If the admin is being displayed load the admin class and run it.
if ( is_admin() ){
require_once 'controllers/admin.php';
* If users are allowed to register we require the registration class
require_once 'controllers/register.php';
* Load the login class
require_once 'controllers/login.php';