You need a bit of JavaScript logic to make this work.
Here’s a basic example:
This is a rather simple example, so you probably need to add some logic to check the field values. Here’s a snippet that I coded a while ago for a PRO customer.
const $form = jQuery('.wpcf7-form');
const $group2 = jQuery('[data-id="group-address2"]');
const $group3 = jQuery('[data-id="group-address3"]');
$form.on('wpcf7cf_change_step', function(e, previousStep, currentStep) {
if (previousStep < currentStep) { // step forward
if (!$':visible') && currentStep === 6) {
} else if (!$':visible') && currentStep === 7) {
} else if (previousStep > currentStep) { // step back
if (!$':visible') && currentStep === 7) {
} else if (!$':visible') && currentStep === 7) {
If you have a PRO license, feel free to email me directly and it will be my pleasure to help you out.