• Resolved Stine


    Hi – do anybody (i know modern tribe does not support this – so a helpful soul….) have the solution on how to show event category together with date/time in the list view?

    I tried with tribe-events-event-categories, tax-tribe_events_cat ect in the views/list/single-event.php together with

    <!-- Schedule & Recurrence Details -->
    	<div class="updated published time-details">
    		<?php echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details() ?>
    		<?php echo tribe_events_event_recurring_info_tooltip() ?>
    	<?php if ( $venue_details ) : ?>
    		<!-- Venue Display Info -->
    		<div class="tribe-events-venue-details">
    			<?php echo implode( ', ', $venue_details) ; ?>
    		</div> <!-- .tribe-events-venue-details -->
    	<?php endif; ?>

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    But cannot make it work.

    I had hoped to find the code in views/single-event.php where the categories are showed. But there it is combined into tribe_events_single_event_meta, and i just need the category.


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  • Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Hi Stine,

    As outlined in our forum guidelines, we aren’t able to help with these kinds of customizations. But we do have some handy resources that might be helpful for you:

    ? Themer’s Guide – provides an overview of how to customize the plugin’s frontend appearance.
    ? Tutorials – useful tips and tricks for changing how the plugin looks and behaves.
    ? Technical Docs – provides an overview of the classes and functions in each plugin

    Good luck, and thanks for using The Events Calendar!


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