Hello, it looks like you posted this question both here and on our own forums where I just replied ( https://www.iceablethemes.com/forums/topic/how-to-show-comments-on-homepage-under-each-posts/ )
I’m posting a copy of the reply here for convenience, but let’s stick to only one thread for any further question!
This theme does not natively support displaying comments for each post on the homepage, the comment section is only displayed on each individual post page.
To customize the theme and add this functionality it is advised to first create a child theme (you could edit the theme’s file directly but this is not recommended since your changes would be lost after each update).
Then copy the theme’s index.php file into your child theme, this is the file you are going to edit.
In your child theme’s copy of index.php, find this line:
?></div><?php // end div post
And just below add this code to insert the comment section below each post:
// Display comments section only if comments are open or if there are comments already.
if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number()!=0 ):
?><div class="comments"><?php
comments_template( '', true );
?></div><?php // end comment section
And this is it basically, it should do the trick!