Hi @snippet24, thanks for getting in touch.
In Wordfence > All Options > Email Alert Preferences > Alert me with scan results of this severity level or greater, do you currently have this set at “Low”? If so, you could try increasing the severity level.
I would suggest if you wanted to receive an absolute bare minimum of emails generally, I would keep the following active for security reasons:
Email Alert Preferences Screenshot
- Email me if Wordfence is deactivated
- Alert me with scan results of this severity level or greater: Critical or High
- Alert me when someone with administrator access signs in & Only alerts me when that administrator signs in from a new device or location
Once again these are just a suggestion, you can choose what settings fit best for you. Keep in mind by deactivating these notifications, you may be lowering your ability to quickly react to an attack or vulnerability.
I hope this helps you out!