• Hi,

    We’re using Custom Fields to create a custom-styled post. Very simple, just a few images, description and…. one video. This is the part causing me problems.

    The custom field type used for uploading videos is the wysiwyg editor. Field is called “pet_video”. This behind the scenes all works just fine.

    However, the video is not showing up on the post. I realise I need some code to go into the custom posts php (called “single_pet.php”), but everything I have tried results in nothing good!

    The images show perfectly using this simple bit of code:

    <div class="single_pet_image">
             <?php $attachment_id = get_field('pet_image_3'); $size = "medium"; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)?>
             <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size );?>

    How can I get the video to show as well?
    Thank you for any help.

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