Actually, I am interested in liljoeyjordison’s request as well. ??
Specificially, I would like to prepend an image to the post title if the post is private AND a different image to the post title if the post is password-protected.
I realize that private posts don’t appear at all to non-admin users, but as admin, I would like to quickly scan through my blog to see which posts are private, protected, or both. Right now, I have to go to dashboard/manage/posts screen to see which ones are private.
I see that the “protected” designation is in wp-includes/template-functions-post.php:
function get_the_title($id = 0) {
$post = &get_post($id);
$title = $post->post_title;
if ( !empty($post->post_password) )
$title = sprintf(__('Protected: %s'), $title);
return $title;
And the “private” designation (shown in the dashboard) is in wp-admin/edit.php:
case 'title':
<td><?php the_title() ?>
<?php if ('private' == $post->post_status) _e(' - <strong>Private</strong>'); ?></td>
How do I add the private code to the get_the_title function, plus use images instead of text “Protected” and “Private”?
Thanks for your help! ?? Jennie