Thank you for your quick reply. I decided to buy the PRO version to be able to use the BOGO rules. It is however not working even though I’ve tried a number of different settings.
I have a category of variable products and I want to offer “buy 4 and get 1 free”. I have made a dynamic product list with the products and I try to use this with the offer. Each product come in two sizes and the bigger one is more expensive. I want the customer to get every 5th product for free. Buy 5 big ones and get a larger discount than if you buy 4 big ones and one small (cheapest one for free).
I have tried all types of BOGO rules but no luck in achieving the result I want. Unless I use the quantity rule instead it seems one has to pick 5 entities of the same product to get the discount. Could you please guide me and let me know what settings I should go for?
Or could it be that there is an error not allowing me to match a variable product with a different price than the lowest set for the product? This seem to be the case when I try using “Rules and Restrictions” to make separate discounts rules for the cheap product variants and the more expensive.