• Resolved Momshof


    Hi – This plugin looks so promising for what I need to do, but I am just not able to wrap my head around how to do it. Is there a step by step guide I could follow? If not available, any guidance you would provide would be greatly appreciated.

    I am using Divi for my theme. I have a membership site – Users Ultra Pro is what I am using to register my members, but it is not working well with some of my other plugins. That is why I am searching for something to restrict pages via – logged in users AND groups.

    First – I have a few pages I want visible to non-logged in users (like home, contact us, register for membership et etc.). The rest of the site for non-logged in users I would like teasers to be shown along with custom text “register for membership to view” type of thing.

    At registration I have 3 membership levels (groups – user roles) – 1 (free), 2 (paid), 3 (paid). All must be logged in to view the rest of the pages.

    level 1 – can see most of site, but has least amount of access
    level 2 – has access to more pages/posts/custom posts but still not completely everything
    level 3 – has access to all pages/posts/custom posts

    If a user has not registered at the appropriate membership level – I would like a page teaser along with custom text to show up.

    *teaser – does this mean when a user (can be logged in or not) tries to view a page they do not have access to – part of that actual page would show up where the user can see it, but not be able to do anything there – like drill down into a post? Then the custom text (“register for membership or log in to view” for non-members or non-logged in users and then a separate message for those without the correct permissions “upgrade your membership to view this page”) would be covering the page with like a semi-transparent background?*

    Thank you for any assistance you would provide.


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  • Much the same comments, I m able to restrict page views for Subscribers, but when I do, Admins cannot follow through to a page. I simply want a redirect for all non registered users.

    This plug in really looks like what I am looking for, and seems that it should be intuitive, but I can’t seem to make it do what I am looking for.

    Advice/guidance is appreciated.


    Thread Starter Momshof


    bueller? bueller? ??

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    I am not sure how Restrict User Access will work with other restriction plugins, so currently you might not be able to mix the levels/groups created by Restrict User Access with other plugins.

    With that said, your use case is possible with this plugin.

    First, create level 3 under Users > Access Levels.
    Select all the content that you want only users in level 3 to see. A fast way is to add e.g. “404 page” and then use the “negate group” option.
    This means that users with this level will be able to see all content, while all other users only can see the 404 page.

    Then you create level 2 in the same way by adding content to the condition groups. Save the level and go back to editing level 3 and make it extend level 2.

    Proceed in the same way for level 1.

    To show a teaser of your content along with some custom text, take a look at the “Action” option to the right when you edit a level. Select Tease. Just below it, you see a Page option; select any page which content you want to display under the teaser, e.g. a Registration page.

    The plugin makes use of the “Read More” tag in your pages and posts to determine how big the teaser should be.

    I have thought about adding some semi-transparent/fading styling to the teaser, but for now it is not included as I think styling is up to the theme, not the plugin.
    Take a look at this link on how to do it with CSS: https://css-tricks.com/text-fade-read-more/

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    Try adding another Level, synchronize it with Administrators and make it extend your Subscribers level.

    Let me know if this works.

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