• Is there any way of reducing this number ? I’d like to set it to, say, 20 characters… a value, which to my mind seems rather reasonable.

    As I say, I’d rather not hack the hell out of the code ideally, mainly to avoid issues caused by future updates. However, if anyone does know where to find the code that would target this, please do chime in.

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  • I don’t believe there is a way of doing this without having a custom login screen and an Ajax or jQuery script that reduces the limit from 60 to desired characters.



    I assume you are using woocommerce plugin for registrations.

    If you don’t like editing codes of the core files,
    You can use Code Snippets Plugin.

    To set a minimum character length of 4 and a maximum charachter length of 20 use the code below

    <input pattern=".{4,}" required title="username is too short (minimum is 4 characters)" maxlength="20" type="text" class="input-text" name="username" id="reg_username" value="<?php if ( ! empty( $_POST['username'] ) ) echo esc_attr( $_POST['username'] ); ?>" />

    If you crashed your website, don’t panic,
    You can try activating ‘safe mode’. All snippets will not execute while safe mode is active, allowing you to access your site and deactivate the snippet that is causing the error. To activate safe mode, add the following line to your wp-config.php file, just before the line that reads /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:

    define('CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE', true);
    To turn safe mode off, either comment out this line or delete it.

    If the snippet plugin didn’t help you, edit the actual files. But,

    It is better to copy woocommerce files that you wish to edit and paste them in your theme folder. This will prevent reverting back when the files are updated. For example, the file you wish to edit should be in this destination:


    Open your form-login.php and find the code where it says input username and paste the code I provided at the top of this comment, edit as your requirments.

    Make sure to backup ANY file before editing and uploading!

    Hope this helps.


    Without hacking anything, you can set the number or chars first in html (any select or field can be set to a max length – so it can’t be increased later by user input).
    Then in php process and if also needeed /check / make sure of that lenght, php is great for all kinds of strings operations,
    And finally send to a php recording custom code, any plugin like woocommerce or so.

    The thing is, with html5 you can make great things even draggable numbers, then when clicked ok, post to anything you like.

    If you’re good in Jquery, and like most WordPress uses Jquery, you can also check user input very easily by Jquery functions, and even if html input is matching a simple function like $checking, then send hit to the button, without actual user input with mouse. The beauty of Jquery (and to avoid bots).

    All that to say in short,

    You can either parse html input either by html, js classic, or jquery, to define a length or type of input.

    And then make a double check with php operators.

    And finally send to parse to a recorder or another parser to be checked.

    Thread Starter Iuda


    I don’t use woocommerce.
    My site is https://failtrafic.ro/ and i don’t have custom login.
    It’s possible to edit a WP php file to set maximum username length ?

    Thread Starter Iuda


    Ok, i editing codes of the core files.
    Can you give me the solution please ?

    This is not possible without tweaking like mentioned above, it’s not a standard option that comes with WP.

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