• Hi there,

    thanks for the great plugin it works like a charm but i am little bit confuse to configure it please guide me how do i implement it.

    suppose i have 1 master database 2 database replica.
    if i hit my wp-admin then i have the permission to write on master and read from master
    priority master(1) replica(2) replica(3)

    if a normal user comes to website then it will always read from replica and if there is any update query like get_post_meta then it will update master
    priority replica(1) replica(2) master (3)

    currently i am trying to implement on my local machine so here is my configration

    	'host'     => localhost,     // If port is other than 3306, use host:port.
    	'user'     => root,
    	'password' => '',
    	'name'     => fresh,
    	'write'    => 1,
    	'read'     => 1,
     * This adds the same server again, only this time it is configured as a slave.
     * The last three parameters are set to the defaults but are shown for clarity.
    	'host'     => localhost,     // If port is other than 3306, use host:port.
    	'user'     => root,
    	'password' => '',
    	'name'     => test1,
    	'write'    => 0,
    	'read'     => 1,
    	'dataset'  => 'global',
    	'timeout'  => 0.2,

    Sorry for my bed english



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