• Hi there!

    I would like to know if there is any option to add expiry date to a particular wishlist. For instance, I want to set an October 20 purchase deadline for Wishlist “X” and set another deadline for Wishlist Y.

    Is there any option to add those features manually? Because now what I’m doing is removing the different wishlists when I want them not to be running, and sometimes it is a tedious work.

    Let me know if there something I can do!

    Many thanks!

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  • Plugin Author YITHEMES


    Hi there

    currently there is no option for that
    Indeed our plugin stores an expiry date for wishlists, but this only affects guest wishlists, that will be deleted at expiration if session isn’t refreshed by the guest who created it

    Maybe you could use this field in database record for your purpose
    Anyway, you’ll definitely need some custom coding, and for this reason I’d suggest you to hire a developer that could implement this feature for you

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