Thanks for your good words and for your question. I am happy to say that the current MLA version can help you with this task.
If you install and activate MLA you can use the “Bulk Edit area” to assign taxonomy terms and initialize other fields. This area is available on the Media/Add New (“Upload New Media”) admin submenu. If you open the submenu you will see an “Open Bulk Edit area” button in the lower left corner. Click on that button and the Bulk Edit panel will open up. You can assign terms, etc., then drag and drop files into the upload area or click “Select Files” for your uploads.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the current MLA version you must have one or more of the “enable mapping” options checked for the “Bulk Edit area” to work. Go to the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF or Custom Field tabs and make sure at least one of these is checked:
- Enable custom field mapping when adding new media
- Enable custom field mapping when updating media metadata
- Enable IPTC/EXIF Mapping when adding new media
- Enable IPTC/EXIF Mapping when updating media metadata
The next MLA version will remove this requirement, but if you want to get started make sure one of those boxes is checked.
If you would like to see the topic that inspired this feature, have a look at:
Category assignment during upload
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or questions regarding the Bulk Edit area. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.