Well I dont know your current situation, database setup, how far along you are in developing your site, but this is the way I would do it (And others on WP.org I am sure have other ways, I am not an expert by any means)
Pages in WP should be used for info such as About, Contact us, etc.
Posts should be used for time dated info.
If you used say a page for an account manager, and another page for About on your site, you have no easy way of excluding the About page if you are searching for an account manager.
So use custom content:
Create a custom post type.
Call it account_manager or something similar.
You can code it, or use a plugin, there are tutorials – see https://www.google.ca/search?q=wordpress+custom+post+type&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr&ei=EGOCUpSnJerMyQHN44GwCQ&gbv=1&sei=EWOCUpvVBMqO2wWWu4HoBA
The title of this custom content type can now be the account manager’s name.
Fill the custom post type with custom fields that include a field for Zip, County, and Town
Again, you can code it, use a plugin, see
With the 2 steps above you have WP doing all the work for you in terms of storing the information. No or not much coding required.
You can use wp_query
to create any kind of search form you want
Or there are these plugins which allows you to build a search forms thru selecting settings, not coding:
I like WordPress more than Drupal but I would be remiss in not mentioning Drupal. It has custom posts, fields, and soon, in Drupal 8, searching (a addon module called Views) in core.