• encountered two problems when i first ran this on my site:

    1. indexing stopped at 2/7 – error: “WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded”
    2. indexing stopped at 2/7 – error: “Trying to get property of non-object…”

    how did i solve this:

    1. lower the amount of images and post to be processed during each step. there’s a form under the page when you first running it: I put “how many images” down to 50, while ” how many posts” down to 20

    2. deactivate some plugins, especially debugging or security plugins; for my site i deactivated these plugins: Bad Behavior, Server IP & Memory Usage Dispaly, Broken Link Checker & Black Bad Queries (BBQ).

    AND… Image Cleanup suddenly works.

    As i’m writing it’s finished indexing, gives me a few new tabs for me to check and delete or move the unused images. I have 10k unreference unused images!! dang!

    Hope this helps.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by dungboy. Reason: grammar
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by dungboy. Reason: spelling and aditional info
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