• Resolved wccesq


    Hi, Nobita,

    How have you been?!

    After the nost recnt update, the Navigation Bar has become double in size due to extra space around menu labels.

    I prefer the previous one that looked simple, neat and elegant. Therefore, please let me revert to the previous version. You may provode the link here to download the previous version.

    Many thanks and many sorries,


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  • Theme Author nobita


    Hi wccesq

    Sorry, Please see below link


    Thank you.

    Thread Starter wccesq


    Hi, Nobita, I saw a newer version, 1.268, and thought that you might have corrected the problems, so I updated to 1,268.

    Unfortunately, the same problems rermain uncorrected, i.e., double line and extra space for the Navigation Menu.

    It is now imppossible for me to go back from 1.268 to 1.266 on my own.

    Therefore, if you can just give me the link to 1.266 version so that I can download and revert back to 1.266.

    Sorry amd many thanks,


    Theme Author nobita


    Hi wccesq

    If you using 1.268 then Please add child style.css

    #access ul ul li,
    #access ul ul,
    #access a{
    #access .page_item_has_children > a:after,
    #access .menu-item-has-children > a:after,
    .ie8 #access .page_item_has_children > a:after,
    .ie8 #access .menu-item-has-children > a:after{
     content :'';
    #access .children li,
    #access .sub-menu li,
    #access .children ul,
    #access .sub-menu ul,
    #access .children a,
    #access .sub-menu a{

    I think it’s possible resolution in this.

    if trouble is continue, Can you tell me the site?

    Old version can be downloaded at any time freely.




    Thank you.

    Thread Starter wccesq


    Hi, Nobita,

    I copied and pasted the codes to my Child style.CSS, but the same problems persist. I leave my Child Style.CSS as updated for your reference.

    My web is:https://www.rowlandassociation.com/

    I may just re-download the 1.266 version. What do you think?

    Many thanks,


    Theme Author nobita


    Hi wccesq

    Your child theme css is wrong settings.

    Theme Name: raindrops-RA Child
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of raindrops
    Template: raindrops
    @import url("../raindrops/style.css");

    Please remove line below, No need import rule

    @import url("../raindrops/style.css");

    style rules load twice.

    And It maybe chashed ,Please remove browser cache.

    Please try this.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter wccesq


    Hi, Nobita,

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    I removed the rule as instructed, but the same problems still persist.

    Did I do anything wrong? Pleasea dvise.

    Again, with many thanks,


    Theme Author nobita


    Please repair your child theme styles

    .hentry .entry-content h1{
    font-family:'Cardo', serif;
    .hentry .entry-content h2{
    font-family:'Averia Serif Libre',serif;
    .hentry .entry-content h3{
    font-family:'IM Fell Great Primer',serif;
    .hentry .entry-content h4{
    font-family:'Vollkorn', serif;

    Recommend font family Google font wrapped ‘Vollkorn’ and add fallback fonts.

    h1 {
        letter-spacing: -0.1px;
    h2 {
        letter-spacing: -1.5px;
    h3 {
        letter-spacing: -0.3px;
    h4 {
        letter-spacing: -0.2px;

    Please remove Above style rule

    above is wrong,style and has become a cause that is not applicable.

    Can not set the following values 1px

    Then menu issue will be fixed.

    by the way.

    Raindrops 1.268 new functionality.

    You can create a post, please try of the following html is displayed how
     ( need text mode )

    <p class="google-font-pt-serif f26">PT Serif</p>
    <p class="google-font-vollkorn400 f26">Vollkorn</p>
    <p class="google-font-vollkorn700i f26">Vollkorn</p>
    <p class="google-font-averia-serif-libre300 f26">Averia Serif Libre</p>

    f26 is font-size

    Write a CSS class, are subject to the Google fonts

    (support max two space font, eg. IM Fell Great Primer fonts has 3 spaces, not support)

    save then switch visual mode.

    Do you like this feature?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter wccesq


    Hi, Nobita,

    Thank you very much for giving such a thorough review and advice.

    However, having tried as suggested, new problems of layout of certain pages surface.

    Therefore, for the time being, it is simpler to go back to 1.266. All new problems disappear. I am happy with 1.266. When future updates are suitable for my webdesign, I will adopt the new ones without any esitation, but with the same gratitude, as always for your outstanding work.

    Many thanks, good night,


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