• Bu44ard


    I ran W3C HTML Validation test and it found 87 Errors, 43 warnings. There’s an option to Clean up Markup with HTML-Tidy. This generated a file called Cleaned-up Source Listing with “HTML-Tidy”. How do I replace my Source Listing with this cleaned up one? My site works, so I don’t know how the source can be that bad. https://homespecialistsinc.com

    Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • WPyogi


    You can’t use that (static HTML) in a dynamic site (like WP) – the HTML is not static. You have to go find the errors in either your content, php files or possibly caused by a plugin.



    This page and the included resources may be helpful:


    Also, be aware that not all “errors” are truly errors or problems – some may be caused by browser differences and/or changing code standards. Still validating is always a good step.

    Thread Starter Bu44ard


    Thanks for your reply. I was afraid I might get that answer. I don’t know how to go about resolving the issues because I’m not a web designer. I persevered and slogged my way through creating my site, but don’t even know which php files to look in, or what to look for. How much of a problem would there be leaving things as they are? Everything seems to function correctly.

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