• Hi,

    We are new to the world of wordpress and already are troubled by the customizr theme.
    We tried all we could do to prevent the font awesome to load as it was slowing down our page.
    We tried to remove even the files google pagespeed pointed us to physically :-

    but still the problem persisted.

    At last we got fed up as we are new and need to focus on our content which is nowhere upto the mark yet on our site.
    We removed the customizr theme.

    But alas the problem still persists.
    Google pagespeed still shows that there is some script somewhere still trying to load font awesome!
    Do we need to delete everything on wordpress and start building our site from scratch to get rid of this ghostly customizr which has left its omnipresent residue on our site !!!

    I have just tried to put the link of only one post here but the problem is omnipresent throughout our site !!!

    We would really like some help here before deleting our entire installation.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author presscustomizr


    You don’t need to re-install WordPress.
    As soon as you switch theme, no files from the Customizr theme will be loaded anymore.
    If you still see things loaded from the theme, it can only be either due to a server cache issue or your browser cache.
    I hope it can help.

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