Hey celine37,
Thanks for using our plugin and happy to know that you found it useful.
Well, I don’t know whether the GD star rating plugin uses the rich snippets markup or not, if it does not uses the rich snippets markup, removing the rating function from our plugin will break the rich snippets in search results as Google highly recommend to use the rating in recipe rich snippets.
If the GD star rating plugin uses the rich snippets, then you can surely remove the rating function from our plugin. To do so, follow these steps:
- Go to plugins -> editor -> All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets
- Locate the file functions.php
- Find and comment the following line :
$recipe .= bsf_do_rating();
// $recipe .= bsf_do_rating();
This will remove the rating input.
- And also comment the following code:
if($args_recipe['recipe_rating'] != "")
$recipe .= '<div class="snippet-label-img">'.$args_recipe['recipe_rating'].'</div>';
$recipe .= ' <div class="snippet-data-img"> <span itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate"><span itemprop="rating" class="rating-value">'.$agregate.'</span><span class="star-img">';
for($i = 1; $i<=$agregate; $i++)
$recipe .= '<img src="'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) .'images/1star.png">';
for($j = 0; $j<=5-$agregate; $j++)
$recipe .= '<img src="'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) .'images/gray.png">';
$recipe .= '</span> Based on <span itemprop="count"><strong>'.$count.'</strong> </span> Review(s)</span></div><div class="snippet-clear"></div>';
if($args_recipe['recipe_rating'] != "")
$recipe .= '<div class="snippet-label-img">'.$args_recipe['recipe_rating'].'</div>';
$recipe .= ' <div class="snippet-data-img"> <span itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="https://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate"><span itemprop="rating" class="rating-value">'.$agregate.'</span><span class="star-img">';
for($i = 1; $i<=$agregate; $i++)
$recipe .= '<img src="'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) .'images/1star.png">';
for($j = 0; $j<=5-$agregate; $j++)
$recipe .= '<img src="'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) .'images/gray.png">';
$recipe .= '</span> Based on <span itemprop="count"><strong>'.$count.'</strong> </span> Review(s)</span></div><div class="snippet-clear"></div>';
This will remove the aggregate rating from description.
If you want more help, send us request from the plugins admin area.